If you're committed to energy conservation and have a flexible lifestyle, Jackson EMC has a program that can help reduce your electric bill.
Called the Time-of-Use rate, this program gives you a year-round lower electric rate for reducing your consumption of electricity between the hours of 3 to 8 p.m. on weekdays from June 1 through September 15.
Reducing energy requirements during summer peak demand periods helps us control the high cost of producing electricity in the summer. Time-of-Use rates pass those savings on to you.

How it Works
When you sign up for the Time-of-Use rate, Jackson EMC will install a special electric meter that records the date and time, logging all energy used during peak and off-peak periods.
Your cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour from 3 to 8 p.m. on summer weekdays between June 1 and September 15 will be 34.35 cents. That's about three times the normal rate, but this will be the period when you've agreed to limit your electric use.
On summer weekends, at non-peak times and the rest of the year, your electric rate will be much lower — just 7.35 cents per kilowatt hour, compared to the normal residential rate of 8.06 - 11.66 cents per kilowatt hour.
Each year, Jackson EMC offers a signup period from January 1 - May 1. You must sign up for Time-of-Use rates during this window to participate in the program for that calendar year. Once you are enrolled in the program, you remain on the Time-of-Use rate unless you contact us to switch to a different rate.
With the Time-of-Use rate, members who can avoid using the biggest consumers of electricity in their home – like air conditioners and electric water heaters – during peak periods can save money. Learn what steps you can take to save energy.
All qualified customers in the area served by the Cooperative.
Service is applicable only to single-family dwelling units owned and occupied by the customer for permanent year around service.
Service shall be provided to the customer under this rate schedule for a minimum of twelve consecutive months, beginning June 1st of each year.
Monthly Rate
Service Charge | $32.00 per month |
All On-Peak kWh @ | 34.35 ¢ per kWh |
All Off-Peak kWh @ | 7.35 ¢ per kWh |
Minimum Monthly Charge:
The minimum monthly charge is the Service Charge.
Wholesale Cost Adjustment:
The bill calculated at the above rates shall be increased or decreased subject to the provisions of the Cooperative's wholesale cost adjustment Schedule P.
Terms of Payment:
If the account is not paid by the due date, a late fee in the amount specified in the Service Rules and Regulations may be added to the account. Further failure to pay a bill may subject a customer to disconnection and/or disconnection charges in accordance with the Cooperative's rules and regulations.
All charges are subject to applicable taxes.
Determination of Off-Peak and On-Peak Energy:
The On-Peak Energy shall be all kilowatt-hours used by the customer during the on-peak hours beginning at 3:00 p.m. and ending at 8:00 p.m., during Monday through Friday, from June 1 through September 15, excluding the observed Juneteenth, Independence Day and Labor Day holidays.
The Off-Peak Energy shall be all kilowatt-hours used by the customer during all hours other than those described above.
Budget Billing:
The customer may elect, with Cooperative approval, the option of being rendered a budget bill, which has the effect of leveling the customer's monthly bill amount.
Load Management Adjustment:
All customers participating in the Cooperative's Load Management Program are eligible to receive a credit on their bill. The amount of the monthly credit will be determined under the provisions of the Cooperative's Load Management Adjustment Rider (LM).
Senior Citizen - Low Income Assistance:
Qualifying customers certified by the Cooperative will be eligible for a $12.50 credit, to be applied to the service charge or minimum monthly charge.
To qualify, the customer must be 62 years of age or older, with total household income at or below 100% of the current year’s Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) annual income level for a family size of two (2), provided that the electric service is in the customer’s principal place of residence, is individually metered, and in said customer’s name.
The current year’s Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) annual income levels are provided by the Georgia Department of Community Health and can be found at dch.georgia.gov/federal-poverty-guidelines-0.
Contract Period:
One year
Effective: January 1, 2025