
Commercial Rate Calculator

Jackson EMC's General Service Rate online calculator can help you understand your bill and model different types of energy use to see what you can do to reduce your electricity costs.

This calculator is based on Jackson EMC's Schedule GS-24 - General Service Rate and Schedule GSAE-24 - General Service - All Electric Rate. The cost of electricity under these rates depends on both energy usage (kilowatt-hours or kWh) and electrical demand (kilowatts or kW). Changing either of these components or changing the ratio of usage to demand, known as load factor, can affect your bottom line. The online calculator can model single-month and full-year (12-month) bills using basic data available from your Jackson EMC power bill.

If you have questions, need help, or want to discuss your situation in more detail, contact your Jackson EMC C&I representative.

General Service Calculator

Print Results

Calculation complete, no errors. Results below.

Month Read Demand (kW) kWh Usage (kWh) Load Factor (%) Billing Demand (kW) Service Cost ($)
Total - 0 - - 912.00*
Jan 0.0 5 76.00
Feb 0.0 5 76.00
Mar 0.0 5 76.00
Apr 0.0 5 76.00
May 0.0 5 76.00
Jun 0.0 5 76.00
Jul 0.0 5 76.00
Aug 0.0 5 76.00
Sep 0.0 5 76.00
Oct 0.0 5 76.00
Nov 0.0 5 76.00
Dec 0.0 5 76.00

* Total does not include tax, outdoor lighting, or other charges

  • = Summer Peak Month
  • = Winter Peak Month
Usage Hints

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Calculation Engine Version: 1.12 11/29/2021

Enter data in the form fields provided and press calculate.

Data for entry can be found on your Jackson EMC power bill. Visit the bill explanation page for help finding these values on your bill.

This rate calculator is based on Jackson EMC's published electric rate schedule. While the results are representative and are useful for comparison, they may not exactly match values in your Jackson EMC bill. Please contact your Jackson EMC representative if you have questions about your bill.

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Print Results

Calculation complete, no errors. Results below.

Result Totals

  • Load Factor 0.0%
  • Total Monthly Bill* $76.00

Determination of Billing Demand

  • Season Summer
  • Billing Demand 5.000
  • Hours Use of Demand 0.00
  • kWh per Rate Block 0

Monthly Rate Calculation

Energy Charge Usage (kWh) Charge ($/kWh) Cost ($)
Total Energy Cost - 0.00
Wholesale Cost Adjustment 0 0 0.00
Service Charge - 76.00
Total - 76.00*
Minimum Bill - 76.00
Amount You Owe - 76.00*
First 200 HUD -
Next 200 HUD 0 0.058 0.00
Next 200 HUD 0 0.0474 0.00
Usage > 600 HUD 0 0.0452 0.00
First 15,000 kWh 0 0.1361 0.00
Next 185,000 kWh 0 0.1113 0.00
Over 200,000 kWh 0 0.098 0.00

* Total does not include tax, outdoor lighting, or other charges

Usage Hints

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Calculation Engine Version: 1.12 11/29/2021