For more than 85 years, Jackson EMC has been powering homes and businesses in Northeast Georgia. We’re one of the largest electric cooperatives in the U.S. For the first time since the housing boom in 2006, we're growing at a rapid pace. Over the past 10 years, we’ve added more than 50,000 meters to our system – an increase of 24%.
As the community grows, we’ve remained focused on providing you with reliable, affordable and courteous service that exceeds your expectations. Our residential electric rates are some of the lowest in the state. We continue to invest in our equipment and technology to ensure you have reliable power. Our community-focused commitment has resulted in meaningful and impactful changes in our area.
Best of all, we’re incredibly honored that you – our members – acknowledged the excellent service you receive. Jackson EMC was ranked highest in customer satisfaction among electric cooperatives by the J.D. Power 2023 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Survey. This shows that our members say they’re receiving the best service in the country. This is how our employees work every day. This is what we value for our members and community. This is why we continue getting better for you. Thank you!

- Chip Jakins, President & CEO
See the complete Report to Members in the September 2024 issue of JEMCO News.