
Georgia High School Association

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Jackson EMC joins 31 other participating electric cooperatives, in partnership with Georgia EMC, as the Official Energy Provider of the Georgia High School Association (GHSA). This partnership helps support high school athletics in our service area. Our sponsorship includes awarding the Cooperative Spirit Sportsmanship Award and involvement in state football and basketball championship games.

State Football and Basketball Championship Finals

In coordination with Georgia EMC, Jackson EMC supports state football and basketball championship finals each year.

Each year, Jackson EMC employees and their families volunteer during the GHSA football championships at Center Parc Stadium in Atlanta. These employees join volunteers from other EMCs across the state to distribute free clear stadium bags to attendees cheering for their favorite high school football teams.

Cooperative Spirit Sportsmanship Award

Jackson EMC is proud to present local schools with the Cooperative Spirit Sportsmanship Award. Only one school in each region within each GHSA classification receives this award (seven classifications, eight regions, 56 total winners). This award program honors schools that exhibit exemplary sportsmanship during competitive events. The award also recognizes the cooperative values of respect, fairness, honesty and responsibility.

2024-2025 Local Winners